Guanín Dental Clinic Project
Dental Clinic Module Cost, $15,000
Through the Good Parenting Project, this project will benefit 365 children from our school and 264 families, plus 1,300 patients from our UNAP medical clinic in La Piedra.
With this money, we will equate our dentistry module, in the medical clinic, UNAP La Piedra.

Wisconsin Nursing
Program at Guanin
Be our Partners:
Thanks to our collaborators, schools of medicine, nursing, Public Health Service, and Schools of Dentistry in the United States, Germany, and the Dominican Republic, without you it would be almost impossible to provide free medical Services.
This is a great opportunity for the students of Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, and other healthcare professions to get hands-on experience in international practicum, at different hospital levels, from first to third level and special needs. We are continually looking for innovative ways of working with new corporate partners and sponsors. These special Group or individual programs are designed for students or volunteers with unique needs.

Dental Mobile Unit, $85,000
This project will benefit 6,000 individuals from our community plus the students from 5 public schools in our Municipality. The Guanín Foundation has partnered with 2 local dental schools in the Dominican Republic, that will provide dental students and input to treat patients.
Our objective is focused on groups at social risk and living below the poverty line (public school students, ethnic minorities, drug addicts, the homeless, immigrants, prostitutes, etc.). We are developing dental programs with a clinical intervention but also a socio-educational intervention that results in an improvement in the quality of life of the population.