Finalización de compra
1 Detalles del cliente
o continuar como invitado
2 Pago
Resumen del pedido
By signing up for this membership plan you agree to being billed every month at the rate listed in your membership type. Thank you for supporting the Guanin Foundation.
Donate today, all your donation is tax write off.

Join the Guanin Family
Guanin is looking for members who believe in our mission and are willing to be active in their membership roles. We believe that this work has never been more important than it is today.
Guanin is entering a challenging and exciting time, as economic pressures on our organization increase, and the demand for our services continues to rise.
We have a tradition of high quality service provision and activism related to the economic security and community development in an extremely impoverished community in the Dominican Republic.
We invite you to become part of our team. Membership dues help toward the organization's vision, mission, and goals.
By becoming a member today, you will join a group of dedicated philanthropists from all around the world.
All levels have dedicated lodging at the Guanin Center in the Dominican Republic as well as access to rides to and from airport and Guanin's contacts and resources to make any trip to the DR one to remember.
Please check out the membership levels and privileges of becoming a member below:
Amigo (Friend)- $120/year OR $10 per month
Compañero (Companion)- $300/year OR $25/month
Familia (Family)- $600/year OR $50/month
Share Accommodation Project, your second home in the Dominican Republic -$35k
All levels have dedicated lodging at the Guanin Center in the Dominican Republic as well as access to rides to and from airport and Guanin's contacts and resources to make any trip to the DR one to remember.